Tinnitus-the perception of ringing sound in the absence of an actual external sound. Quantum Resonance Therapy is an effective treatment in tinnitus.
Beat your stress with Celtron!
Any stress to the body causes distortion of functioning and composition of cells. This leads to accumulation of metabolites and loss of nutrients supply to the cells. This makes the cells more acidic in nature and are unable to function optimally.
Alleviate your pain with Quantum Resonance Therapy – Part 2
QRT delivers pulsed electromagnetic fields causing voltage gated channels to open, facilitating oxygen rich blood and removal of unwanted metabolites, thus reducing inflammation and pain.
Alleviate your pain with Quantum Resonance Therapy – Part 1
Quantum Resonance Therapy is an innovative physiotherapy technology. It uses Pulsed Electromagnetic Field and Magneto-Mechanical Oscillations to promote healing and relieve pain.